Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent for Western Catholics, or to be correct those who observe it. This morning before work I went for ashes at St. Peter’s Church. Even at that time there were rows of people waiting to receive their ashes. So I’m standing there watching people walk by with a faint ash cross on their forehead. Then it’s my turn. I kneel thinking about how I’m supposed to respond then finally say 'Amen' and move out of the way to wait for my friend. We head to work and I explain to her that every year the cross on my forehead is thick and dark, and she said like it is now. I get to work, look in the washroom mirror and realize the priests want everyone to know I’m repenting. I mean REALLY want everyone to know I’m repenting. They grind their thumb into the ashes when they see me coming and pretty much burn it on my forehead. Maybe one of these days they won’t think I have so much sin hovering over me.
We stand in rows
Waiting for ashes
As anxiety grows
Start getting flashes
Of past years’ Lents
Wonder what to say
Still time for repents
Dark Cross on display
A smell of incense