Saturday, January 30, 2010

Movie Night!

I haven’t been much into watching movies these days. Movies used to be exciting to me, especially the oldies, but like reading I have a hard time getting into the mode of either one. Maybe it’s my immersion with writing that I find it hard to relax and just enjoy a movie. Nowadays, when I watch one, I become critical of the characters, or plot, something I never considered years ago.

Since I feel I need to expand my love of the arts, I joined Netflix thinking what a great idea to watch a movie on demand every now and then.
So I’m scanning the different movies, and I come across a Sundance Film, Sunshine Cleaning. The past three years, I seem to enjoy Foreign, Independent and Sundance Films more than mainstream.

Sunshine Cleaning is about a single mother and her slacker sister, played by Emily Blunt getting into the business of cleaning up crime scenes, murders, suicides, by removing the stains of the incident. The mother, played by Amy Adams wants to move her quirky, intelligent son into a private school. In order to do so, she needs to make quick cash. As the sisters work together, they begin to appreciate one another and in the end understand how the other feels so many years ago after the loss of their mother.

The subject matter is strange, but I did like Sunshine Cleaning.
I feel they could have focused more on the relationship with the sisters to build it up better. Other than that, I found it to be humorous and touching as each character tries to find their way in life. I give the movie 3-1/2 out of 5 film reels.

Any good movies you've watched recently?


  1. Hey Bea!!

    I've been going back and forth lately about Sunshine Cleaning for a while now.

    But I may check it out. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    I haven't seen any movies to knock my knee-high's off lately. But when I do I'll let you know. ;)

    Happy writing!

  2. Thanks Hinny. I can always use some suggestions when it comes to movies. It never fails how I'd go to the video store and stand in front of all the new releases without a desire to see any of them.

  3. Hi Bea,
    Today I saw and liked the comedy movie “Up in the Air” with George Clooney as Ryan Bingham. Ryan is employed by a company whose job it is to fire people on behalf of those companies run by wusses who can’t face their employees with the news. Ryan’s company is just delighted with the current recession. He flies all over the country in doing his job of delivering unhappy tidings. He never uses the word s you’re fired and instead says the company is helping the employee start a new life. Ryan’s goal is to earn 10 million frequent flyer miles. He travels 270 days a year on average and calls the sky his home.. While it’s quite sad to see someone being told that they have lost their job some of the employee responses caught on tape are quite humorous. You see them utter a lot of profanity, throw chairs, threaten lawsuits etc. Ryan is quite used to this and continues with the theme that they are being helped to start a new life. In his spare time Ryan is also a speaker at seminars. Basically saying don’t carry that heavy back pack of life around which contains thoughts of your possessions and people you know. Don’t be committed to things, travel light with only what you need. In his travels Ryan meets a sexy girl, Alex (up and coming actress Vera Farmiga) who also travels a lot and like Ryan seeks an affair with no commitments. They check their future work travel schedules and make plans to meet in those cities where their paths may cross again. That’s most of it I don’t want to totally tell the whole thing. LOL!
