Friday, March 25, 2011

My First...

Yesterday I received payment for my first paying freelance job—and even though it wasn’t much—it was my first. There’s something to be said about your first. It doesn’t matter whether or not it was good or bad—our first of anything always seems to remain with us. Our first love, sexual encounter, job, paycheck, publication, etc.

The job had the title romance writer, so I couldn’t pass it up. The website (currently unavailable) wanted fantasy dates for mainstream American audiences. They requested the writings be engaging—to transport the players to another place and time to connect in an online chat. So I created and got paid for two fantasy dates. And you know what? I felt like the below pictures—free, radiant, drifting through the rooms of the flat spreading my…well not wings…or what you’re thinking. This is a family post, people, keep it clean.

I’m still on a quest for more freelance work in hopes I can make a living doing what I enjoy best—writing. If freelance doesn’t pan out, I’ll have to look for a 9 to 5 job, which I’ve already started pursuing. I’m enrolled in an online certificate program for Advanced Web Page, so I could add that to my resume. Web Design would be nice too because it’s another form of creativity. I remember how much I loved creating a web site at my last job—I became so engrossed with it that I’d forget the time. Constructing pages from scratch, and then seeing them come alive, was so pleasing to me—an instant visual result. No wonder I snapped at the end-users when they pulled me away to work on their computer issues. What nerve. :D

An added bonus to the certificate program is that I’ll have a completed personal website, which will include my publications, writing samples, reading recommendations and my photography. I’ll be able to use it as an example for web design requests for web development  positions and for sample writing requests for freelance jobs. A win-win. My first web site design.

Do you remember your first? It can be anything. How old were you and how did you feel?


  1. she nervous. me tentative.
    together awkward.

    despite this artless mess
    we lit upon a graceful fit in each other.



  2. Awesome for you! I hope the freelance thing pans out. I'm sure one will lead to others! My 1st wasn't long ago & I couldn't fill my gas tank with it but still... it was a great feeling!

  3. cray, you drinking? :D Thanks for stopping by.

    June, Thanks, lady, I hope it works out too. Thanks for your well wishes.

  4. I spent years writing for men's mags. A lot of freelance opportunities with fantasy letters, etc. (And, yes, I'll keep it clean here.) But it paid!

    I also blog about writing: and teach writing workshops in Los Angeles.


  5. Hi Lara,

    I appreciate you stopping by. Thanks for the advice about men's magazines. I'll have to check out your blog.

    Take care.

  6. Ooh, so will you be unveiling a new website? :D I think you're wise to spread your creative, ahem, wings. While I'm pretty bad at technology, there's no denying it's a lot of fun to try out different graphic endeavors. Pfft, I thoroughly enjoyed putting together my blog from blogger's templates. :P So I'd imagine designing your own site would be a worthy creative challenge.

    Congrats on your first paycheck. And, firsts? Well, let's see...I remember the very first time I decided to give fiction writing a go (as an adult). I began my story while my kids were at school, and when my husband came home and asked, "What are you doing?" I'll never forget the strange, but invigorating feeling I had when I answered, "I'm writing!" The words coming out of my mouth made it all seem so real. I was finally admitting my dream out loud.

  7. Barb,

    I will unveil my new website when it’s complete. :D Well, I’m trying to accumulate as much knowledge and information as I can before I get too old to bother.

    Yes, stating out loud that you’re a writer is a realization that your dream has now become reality. And I know that you’ll make it with your writing style—your voice has much poise and is thought provoking.

    Take care.

  8. Congrats on your first freelance article! My fingers crossed for your new job and more publications. May that new job be fun and interesting!
    Many first things come to mind, but my first stock purchase seems outstanding. I was in my early teens and bought 10 shares of Philip Morris just because I smoked Marlboros. I had to buy it in my Mom’s name since I wasn’t of age. I paid about $700 and quickly sold it two weeks later to make a quick $100 profit. I felt so smart, but you know I learned about four years ago that if all I did was to keep that stock and forget about it would have been worth approximately $5.8 million dollars as of the end of 2006. Quotes from a financial publication stated “The best performing stock of the last 50 years was Altria Group (MO), formerly Philip Morris, with nearly 20% annual returns.” “This return means that $1,000 invested in Philip Morris on March 1, 1957 would have accumulated to over $8.25 million by the end of 2006.”

    Easy come easy go! I’m just happy to be alive and well. At least I think I am well. LOL!

  9. Veejay, Thanks for all your well wishes. Yes, may I find a job I enjoy.

    Geez, stock purchase in high school? I don’t even think I knew what a stock was at that age. Oh, that’s gotta hurt seeing the return on it, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be. And yes, alive and well is a good thing. :D
