Sunday, April 19, 2009

Alphabet Stew

ll can remember

Before age took over

Childhood an ember

Dismissed the ogre

Eventually mature

Fables fade to reality

Good heart once pure

Hopes express sexuality

Idiosyncrasies made cruel

Judged by everyone

Know not to fear school

Learned about handgun

Members Only jacket

Nuptials, Hopper and Phillips said

O’Neal’s Love Story romantic

Pop Rocks, Coke, you’re dead

Quarters used with beer

Rotary phones of the past

School House Rock revere

TV channels increase fast

UVA rays always warned

Valentine’s day, lovers observe

Willy Wonka reborned

Xanax used to calm nerves

Yet through our evolution

Zippers still remain a solution


  1. As I read this, it brought to mind Billy Joel's We Didn't Start The Fire, when he goes through a list of historical names, events, etc. This felt like it has a similar rhythm to it as Joel's. Interesting observations going on here.

  2. WOW! Thanks for the compliment in comparison. It's been a long time since I've heard that song.
