Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Love Transcended

Watchful travel
Kentucky ride
Road unravel
Your eyes guide

Faithful essence
Some dirty actions
Ignore message
For satisfactions

True believers
Avoid abuse
Sin makes grievers
There’s no excuse

Bless all of us
In this passage
Hope to progress
Some to salvage

Son’s suffering
Was not in vain
Our one harmony
Your words to reign

Forgive the wrong
And the wounded
Light pours strong
Love transcended

I wish everyone a Happy Easter!


  1. Same to you, have a wonderful holiday weekend! It's supposed to be cold here, in the 50s and drizzling on all those pretty Easter bonnets!

  2. That's deep, and sincere within every form of its language. Happy Holidays to you too.

  3. Thanks, Joanne and Ana for stopping by. My journey home will be rainy, but it was a nice weekend. :D

  4. travln' mercies to you my (((friend))). Call me as soon as you are safe in the door.

    Thank you for sharing my event and making it even more special!

    Eyes on the road, the road, sweetie!! ; )
