Monday, May 2, 2011

I had a Dream

…that the world was at peace—even if it was for a short time. The world breathed easier and it released some tortured souls of blame...provided closure for others. Even though it still existed, we felt a unity knowing evil can be defeated. A unity in knowing that violence swirls around the world—sometimes behind a mask of religion. But in this dream, we smiled at an encouraging future…hope massaged our hearts.

…that our journey back to the U.S. was completed by finding work. The worry of separation didn’t exist, and we began building and saving for our future. We savored our luck, thanked the Lord for our blessings, and vowed to never separate again. In this dream, we found a home, married, and over the years, watched our bodies decline. But in this dream, our spirit remained mesmerized with all the things we learned about each other.

…that I published my novel and it was a success. The days of repeated revisions for my book to grow stronger were worth it. My plot and characters satisfied even the worst critics. I found an inner peace from believing in myself…an understanding that I DO have writing strengths. Through the years, I continued to write poetry, short stories and a few more novels…some for me…some for you. But in this dream, I not only wrote a bestseller, I lived it too.


  1. Thanks, AB. Sometimes I think that's all I ever do. :D

  2. You and MLK, Jr. have some of the best dreams! ;-)

    This is such a transparent post, Bea. Not necessarily in a specific way—more like showing the essence of who you are at the core, and who you hope to become. And that line: "...our spirit remained mesmerized with the all the things we learned about each other." Wow! I love how you juxtaposed that with bodies declining. So true; in the end it's the spirit that matters.

    Welcome back from your hiatus. Nice post. May all your dreams come true.

  3. This fabulous post, Bea, is wonderful. Never stop believing you can't have everything you want.

  4. Barb, I know, it's weird how sometimes I put myself out there through my writing. I've always been a private person. I don't know if it's writing that opens me up or age. *sighs* Thanks again, for another sweet compliment.

    I was missing my blog. I hope all of our dreams come true.

    Kara, Because I've gotten to know you, I'm guessing you meant "Never stop believing you CAN have everything you want." ;) Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
