Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Blessed Day!

Today, the love of my life received wonderful news, which paves the road to our future, and I received great news regarding my poetry.  A month ago, I entered the Summer Literary Seminars (SLS) 2010 Unified Literary contest.  The winners are published in Fence Magazine along with the participating Canada and Kenya journals plus a free trip and tuition to participate in the 2010 SLS Montreal and/or SLS Kenya programs, or Vilnius, Lithuania in 2011. 

A few days ago, I received notice of the contestant winners, but I was not one of them.  Then today I received an email stating, “Our judges were strongly impressed with the work you submitted, and we are pleased to offer you an SLS fellowship, in the amount of a 20% tuition waiver.”  The email also explained the number of submissions, 1200 and additional information regarding each program, although it was that line that stopped and made me cry.  I felt such joy to read those words, to know someone believes in me and my works.  The fact I didn’t win the contest didn’t matter after knowing my poems were held in high esteem.

I’m not saying I wouldn’t have wanted to win, but I’m filled with gratitude for such wonderful words, offer and an opportunity to allow my writings to flourish. 


  1. Bea! Congratulations on all of the wonderful news! This is time for good things for you! That's wonderful you got such an amazing letter :D

  2. Aw, thank you Hinny. I like sharing this kind of news to show that there are respectful writers and editors. Even my rejections are courteous.

    Take care.

  3. Dear Bea,
    I continue to enjoy reading your Blog and the creativity you bring to it. I actually wonder how long I will be able to read it for free. I was told a long time ago sometimes you need the “Patience of a Saint” to succeed. I believe the harder it is to achieve your goals the greater the reward is when you do. Keep up the good poems, stories and articles. Maybe just maybe greater recognition will be on the horizon soon. I really think so.

  4. Dear Bea,
    That is wonderful to hear, and am happy that this is the feedback that you received.
    Have a wonderful friday.

  5. How awesome!!! That's great they obviously felt strongly enough to send you feedback!
