Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Author Interview - The Next Big Thing

I just got back into writing my current WIP and I thought about sharing some of it with you, and then something better came along. I was tagged on Jeri Walker-Bickett's blog to be a part of The Next Big Thing. I know what you’re thinking, “But we thought you were already the Big Thing.” How nice of you to think so, but I’m not quite there yet…I’m working on it though. The Next Big Thing is a promotion idea started on SheWrites website. It’s a great way to talk about and promote your current writings, so here I go, gushing about my next adventure.

What is the working title of your book?

My current novel definitely has a ‘working title’. As of now, it’s Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Sarcasm.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

The idea came from a few places. I recently read a book that had a protagonist struggling with loss and finding her identity in life, and then I read another book where the protagonist just was down on her luck, but it was told through humor.

These books made me reflect on my own life. About a year ago, I couldn’t find a job after 7 months of searching and decided to give my condominium back to the bank. I figured I’d move in with my mother until my boyfriend and I decided where we were going to live. As I was planning to move in with my mother and working on the publication of my novel, Net Switch, my mom passed away before both were accomplished. I published my novel two weeks after she died.   

At the time, it seemed like life was caving in on me, so these two books made me think about writing a fictional book about a protagonist who suffers loss and fights to find her place in life again. But I didn’t want it to be sad…I wanted my protagonist to attack her situation with sarcasm.

What genre does your book fall under?

In my endless search of learning and memorizing book genre categories, I’m still unable to find the perfect slot that my book fits into. I’d say it’s a romantic crime adventure or chick-lit.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

The protagonist would have to be someone who looks like she’s in or around her 40s. An actress who can toss sarcasm out like a truck driver tosses profanity. The one actress who comes to mind is Eva Longoria. During Desperate Housewives, I couldn’t stop laughing when she was on the screen. 

Her love interest would have to be a good-looking man who doesn’t flaunt it. This man is a guy’s kinda guy with a romantic flare and humor to match the protagonist’s. I can actually see David Boreanaz playing the part. 

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

After a month in rehab, Brande takes on the role of crime fighter to compensate for her lack of money and home, and to use the time to reinvent herself.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I will self-publish my book like I did with my other books. It took me a long time to be able to step back and find the flaws and strengths in my writing…and to be able to say, “Damn girl, that’s good.” I’m ‘my’ worst critic and best promoter. The publishing world is changing, full of self-published authors, and those still trying to get their name out there traditionally. I believe I found my place in self-publishing because I can stay true to myself, produce a professional novel that meets my standards and who else better to get the word out than my biggest fan—ME.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I’m currently working on the first draft, but I hope to have it published sometime next year.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

It has the tension and smart mouth humor of both Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding and The Last Time I Was Me by Cathy Lamb.

Who or What inspired you to write this book?

It was time. My misplaced life was about to end after we finally made the decision to move to Germany to start a home there. While I stayed with family and friends in the States, before crossing the pond, I took the time to read several books, which got me back into writing again.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

I think the reader will not only be excited about the romantic tension that exists, but BDSM and a virtual world are also incorporated into the storyline.

It is my turn to pass it along to other authors, but unfortunately, all the requests to my author friend’s came back as too busy at the moment. I hope they’ll participate in this wonderful idea in the near future.

Life’s Pitfalls and Laughter,


  1. That sounds like a really cool book, and a lot you went through to be inspired to write it. Good luck when it reaches publication!

    1. It's a very different book from Net Switch, that's for sure. Thanks for the best wishes.

  2. Good luck on making good progress! Reading your book helped me pinpoint the genre I see my WIP falling under. Genre gives me such fits!

  3. The book sounds fantastic,very positive, perhaps even a bit cathartic. Life often seems to trigger our work even if it isn't a direct representation. I think the Next Big Thing is a great project. also. Jeri tagged me as well! Glad to read a fellow taggers blog:-)
