Sunday, April 10, 2011

Death Becomes Us

This is a poem I had published a few years back. Here’s to celebrating National Poetry Month.

The path that leads to Heaven's Garden
Isn’t for sale anymore.
Praying days, ask for pardon
He watches his soul rise and soar.

With a sold sign hung above its gate
Like Judas in the Joshua Tree,
Accepted wrongs prepared for fate
Peter smiles, says nothing is for free.


  1. I just knew I could come over here and get my poetry fix... As with all poetry, I had to read it, then think about it for awhile. I'm impressed at how much is conveyed in so few words. No surprise this one was published. :)

  2. :D It's so funny because years ago I wasn't into poetry. Now I love writing poetry and sharing some of them with you.

    You're right about having to read it again. There's a lot of poetry you need to think about its meaning. Thank you, Lady for the compliments. Much appreciated.

  3. And btw, I recently learned about a new kind of poetry...take a look:

    Have you heard of that guy? What a unique way of 'discovering' a poem. It seems like a fantastic way to help writer's block--to stir the creative juices. He's right, it's somehow less intimidating than staring at a blank page.

  4. Thanks for the link. I never heard of this guy. It is a great way to help writer’s block and all suggestion helps.
