Monday, January 13, 2014

Expect the Unexpected!

The beginning of a New Year is always something to look forward to with a fresh new outlook. It’s a time for resolutions, new behaviors, and/or ridding ourselves of the negative ... And preparation time to expect the unexpected.

I recently returned from the States, and I learned not to expect things. While visiting, I had a calendar of expectations, but the unexpected happened. It was a realization that I should always prepare for the unexpected, not just focus on what I want but what could possibly be.    

If there’s one thing I learned during my visit is that everyone is busy, and even though plans are set, the unexpected sometimes pops up. Time doesn’t wait for anyone. It was a wakeup call, and a lesson that while other people’s lives continue on, I also have a life that I must get on with in order to succeed.

When I lived and worked in the United States, my life was completely different than it is now, living and working as a self-published author in Germany. It’s more relaxed, and my husband and I get to spend a lot of time together due to his job and vacation time. I was blessed to get to write full-time and work on my publications, but I also have to admit that I can easily stray from my job—procrastination is one of my weaknesses.

But I feel that 2014 will bring me lots of wonderful life experiences, and writing successes. Like all New Years, I’ve made a few resolutions as a guide. Here they are:

Writing and Publication

1)  I hope to make 2 blog posts a week.
2)  I hope to keep up and follow more bloggers.
3)  If anything, I hope to connect with more writers.
4)  My women’s fiction novel, Fogged Up Fairy Tale will be published by the summer.
5)  I’ll republish my past books under my new imprint.
6)  I will research and learn different ways to promote and market my book(s).


1)  I won’t be returning to the States this year, but instead, focus on my success.
2)  I’ll get a new domain for my imprint and recreate my website.
3)  Each day, I’ll thank God for something I’m grateful for in my life.
4)  I’ll lose more weight.
5)  This year will be a year of travel.
6)  I plan on getting to know other people in Germany, so I can build a community of friends here.

Have you made any resolutions?

I wish you all a wonderful New Years. May you achieve your resolutions.

Resolutions and the Unexpected,


  1. Good resolutions. Reminds me that I need to get cracking on my own writing. :)


    1. Hi Barb, Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  2. I have never been one for New Year's resolutions, but I have set myself down a path that means quite a bit more work over the next year.

    1. Setting goals or knowing what path you plan on heading down is a good way to focus on a New Year.

  3. All good goals. I always set resolutions, but don't freak or quit if they don't go exactly as I'd hope. Looking forward to seeing the recreation of your website as well as the final product of your novel. Do you have an iPhone? I use the My Fitness Pal App and Runtastic to keep track of my food and calories burned. I totally went off track after last July's move, but am getting back in the swing of things.

    1. I have to learn the 'try not to freak out' part. I don't have an iPhone, but I do record miles and times when we go for walks and bike rides.

      At 45 years old, I decided to concentrate on my lifestyle to lose weight. I've done all right without having to cut anything from my diet, but being in the States left me stagnant and feeling fat. BLAH!

  4. I find it's always good to have resolutions as long as they are attainable.

  5. Hi Bea - I really like the new look on your site. Looks like you're already putting your resolutions into motion.
